
Sustalad 250 mg/ml (Sustanon) – 10 x 1 ml


Sustalad 250 Driada Medical Sustanon Testosterone Mix is ​​a combination of 4 Testosteronethern: Testosterone-Isocaproate, Testosteron-Decanoat, Testosterone Propionate and Testosterone Phenylpropionate. These complex compounds make Sustalad one of the longest-acting steroid compounds available. Sustalad 250 Driada Medical Sustanon Testosterone Mix is ​​an excellent compound for muscle growth and strength gains. SUSTALAD 250 DRIADA MEDICAL SUPPORTS THE Sustalad FACT 250 Dryad […]


Sustalad 250 Driada Medical Sustanon Testosterone Mix is ​​a combination of 4 Testosteronethern: Testosterone-Isocaproate, Testosteron-Decanoat, Testosterone Propionate and Testosterone Phenylpropionate.

These complex compounds make Sustalad one of the longest-acting steroid compounds available. Sustalad 250 Driada Medical Sustanon Testosterone Mix is ​​an excellent compound for muscle growth and strength gains.


Sustalad 250 Driada Medical Sustanon provides the body with energy and burns fat. It helps the muscle cells, a large amount of contractile protein (actin and myosin) maintain and thus promote muscle growth. It prevents the production of catabolic glucocorticoid hormones (Muscle fatigue).

Sustalad 250 Driada Medical Sustanon Replacement Treatment for Male Hypogonadal Disorders, for example:

  • after castration;
  • Eunuchoidism;
  • Hypopituitarismus;
  • endocrine impotence;
  • decreased libido in men;
  • some forms of infertility are possible;

Testosterone therapy can also be used to prevent osteoporosis treatment in hypogonal men.

Testosterone administration may also be prescribed as a supportive treatment for female-to-male transsexuals.

Dosage of Driada Medical Sustanon:

The dosage depends on the body's reaction. The usual dosage is 1 ml all 4 weeks.

Sustalad 250 Driada Medical Sustanon is very effective even in small doses and for advanced athletes. It is important to note, that recommending this medicine to bodybuilders, who have already taken this medicine at the same or lower dosage, leads to an effect that is just as high as the previous intake. It is recommended, Sustalad 250 Driada Medical Sustanon should be administered at least once a week, the maximum can be up 10 days can be extended. A dosage in powerlifting and bodybuilding is of 250 mg/week to 1000 mg or more/week possible. We recommend, Do not use higher dosages; the rule is there 250-1000 mg week after week. The average, completely satisfactory dose for most 500 mg/week, and by combining Sustalad 250 Driada Medical Sustanon with an oral steroid can often increase the dose 250 mg/week can be reduced.

Sustalad 250 Driada Medical Sustanon Information

Sustalad 250 As a basic steroid, Driada Medical Sustanon is well tolerated during treatment, activates regeneration, gives the athlete enough kick for strong training sessions and, in addition to the already mentioned advantage of rapid strength building and solid mass building, is also characterized by its compatibility. To increase mass quickly, This medication is often used with Nandecos, Dinabolyn or Anadrolus combined, while athletes, who place more value on quality, prefer this medication with Hexos, Winstrolad, Mix Anavaros or Primos.

Measure for other uses of Driada Medical Sustanon:

  1. In general, the dosage should be adjusted based on the patient's individual response.
  2. Adult: An injection is recommended (1 ml) at 3 weeks.

Female to male transsexuals: Different athletes used a dosage, that from an injection of 1 ml all 1 weeks to an injection of 2 ml was enough for four weeks.

Sustalad should be administered by deep intramuscular injection.

Sustalad 250 Driada Medical Bans:

  • if you have prostate- or breast cancer has been diagnosed or is suspected;
  • If you are pregnant;
  • if you are breastfeeding;

Hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or any of the other ingredients of this medicine.

Note on the testosterone mix:

Middle-aged men and men with serious circulatory diseases should refuse to take the dosage or do it under very careful supervision.

People with latent or overt heart disease, Kidney problems, high blood pressure, Epilepsy or migraines (or a history of these diseases) should be observed, as androgens can rarely form both salt and fluid retention and skeletal metastases, because androgens can trigger hypercalcemia or hypercalciuria in these people.

Be careful, if you inject androgens into prepubertal boys, as this may lead to premature epiphyseal closure or changes in sexual progress. There may be a decrease in protein-bound iodine (pbi) come, however, this is not critical. For long-term use, we recommend you, Check hemoglobin levels frequently.

Sustalad 250 Driada Medical Sustanon contains peanut oil and therefore must not be taken by people, who are known to have a peanut allergy. If you are allergic to peanuts or soy, We recommend you, to refrain from using this product.

Supportive treatment for transsexuals from woman to man:

Before you start taking this medicine for female-to-male transsexuals, should be a medical assessment, including a psychiatric evaluation, be initiated. Analyze your private medical history. While using the Sustalad, regular examinations and analyzes are recommended.

Be careful, if you have the following:

  • Symptoms of osteoporosis,
  • a change in the number of lipids in the blood.

If you or someone in your family is breastfeeding- or has uterine cancer, Careful monitoring should begin.

Subject to professional guidance, hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy should be considered after 18-24 months of testosterone therapy, about the possible increased risk of endometrial disease- and ovarian oncology.

Sustalad 250 Dryada Medical Sustanon ist, like all other testosterones, strong anabolic effect, the negative reactions are significantly increased compared to its androgenic counterparts. Androgenic side effects like:

  • Hair loss,
  • Prostatahypertrophie,
  • Use of this medication may cause deepening of the voice and associated estrogen-related adverse reactions such as gynecomastia and fluid retention.

The following adverse reactions have been commonly associated with androgen therapy:

  • in boys before puberty: more mature sexual development, an increased frequency of erections, phallic enlargement and premature epiphyseal closure;
  • Priapism and additional signs of extreme sexual stimulation;
  • Water and sodium care;
  • Oligospermia and change in the amount of ejaculation;

If you experience these side effects, The use of the drug should be interrupted until complete recovery and then continued only with the minimum dose. A hoarse voice can be the first symptom of a voice change. If you have no signs of virilization, especially a rough voice, want to develop, treatment should be discontinued.

The following side reactions were also reported:

  • stains;
  • Difficulties in liver function;
  • Polyzythämie;
  • hypertension;
  • Weight gain (in female-to-male transsexuals);

Sustalad 250 Driada Medical Overdose:

The serious intramuscular toxicity of Sustamed is very low. Priapism in men is a result of chronic excess. If that is the case, Treatment with the medication must be interrupted and a minimum dosage recommended after the effects have subsided.

Storage of testosterone mixtures:

At room temperature, Store away from children and animals.

Additional information
