Ostarine Mk2866 Driada Medical, also known as ostamuscle, is a SARM, a selective androgen receptor modulator. As the name indicates, These active ingredients only bind to androgen receptors. These receptors are mainly present in muscles and bones, so SARM causes far fewer side effects than steroids or hormones.
Clinical studies on people with severe burns, Krebs, End-stage renal failure, Osteoporosis and hypogonadism have confirmed the anabolic effects of ostarine on muscles and bones.
Since the main purpose of MK-2866 synthesis was this, to stop the diseases, that cause muscle loss, Ostarine has excellent anabolic properties. Most people seem to think so, that Ostamuscle is only suitable for weight loss, but that's simply not true. There are dozens of testimonials from people online, who used ostarine and gained significant amounts of muscle mass.
MK-2866's ability, build muscles, has also been confirmed by numerous clinical studies.
This study involved a group of older people 3 for weeks 12 mg Ostarin ein. As a result, all participants experienced an improvement in physical condition while simultaneously increasing muscle mass and losing body fat. people in the group, the daily 3 mg taken, took average 1.3 kg (2.8 Pound) Muscle mass gained and lost 0.6 kg (1.3 Pound) Fett.
In another study were 159 Cancer patients divided into two groups, die 2 for months at a time 1 and 3 mg of MK-2866. Both groups reported similar results to the first study, but without side effects.
Ostarine Mk2866 Driada Medical loss of adipose tissue:
The most popular destination for athletes, Use ostarine. As a rule, when we are in a chronic calorie deficit, we don't just lose fat, but also muscle tissue. Due to its unique properties, MK-2866 protects muscles in adverse conditions, so that when we are overweight we almost only lose fat. In addition, ostarine itself accelerates, as we saw in the studies mentioned above, fat loss in the body.
Improved bone health:
As we age, bone density decreases due to reduced sex hormone levels. This often leads to bone diseases such as osteoporosis. Because bones also have androgen receptors, Ostarine reverses this process and accelerates healing after fractures.
Mk2866 Protects the heart:
A clinical study, die an 120 patients was carried out, die 1 mg or 3 mg of ostarine per day, demonstrated the positive effects of MK-2866 on the cardiovascular system. All study participants experienced a reduction in bad cholesterol- and HDL triglyceride levels.
Ostarine increases insulin sensitivity:
In the above study, ostarine also lowered the subjects' average blood sugar levels and thereby increased their insulin sensitivity. It's worth mentioning, that insulin sensitivity is not just for our health, but also important for athletic performance - insulin is one of the strongest anabolic hormones.